Monday, August 4, 2014

Exploring Guild Maps XIV - FeaR (Dao)

Notice: This is just a look at some of the guild maps that have been made for Eternal Lands. This blog provides no secrets.
The entrances to these maps and any secrets to get around them will never be posted, nor will I provide them so don't ask.

View all Guild Map exploration via the Guildmaps tag.

Clarification: Officially this map is listed as belonging to Dao guild. However, many years back Dao and another guild, NaC, merged to form FeaR. I was informed that FeaR claims the map currently given that history.

still exists, and seems to have at least a few active players still.

Guard Bot: No.

PK: Yes and no. Yes on enter (with no magic), but the PK area is oddly placed due to odd circular map shape, "attack yourself" to see if you're still in the pk area as you walk around.

This is a very different map from other guild maps I've visited. A circular multi-level building dominates it, with only minor other places and a few oddities.

Here we go...

You start off here, in a large PK area with no magic. You can see the circular shape I was referring to already.


Some outer decor.




There are occasional places that I don't think the map designer understood basic aesthetics or placement. The 20-space rule (20 spaces on the map between internals of building so you can't tele-to-range between them) is broken here.




Somewhere in this area you'll leave the pk-with-no-magic zone, so you can tele out (always bring a tele ring with you if exploring guild maps as several have no-magic zones). The platform holds... honestly, I dunno WTF the mapmaker was thinking with this platform with the telepads.


Another house. There's secrets to entering some places.


As for the main circular building in the middle, there's several entrances. You just gotta figure out how to use(-with) them.


I see dead DAOers, er, FEARers.


Just a sec... this map is kinda dirty, so I gotta wash off.


Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to join... crap, not even married and they're already divorced and ran off to fool around with others. *stands alone*


So let's look inside one of the few outer houses. Unlike other guild maps, this one seems to have avoided naming players by name.


Phew, the walk around this building... I need another break.


Another house, this one is a bit crafty?


Another outer house.


The center of the map, also the center of the circular building.


More of the center, requires a little TTR to get to.


Shall we head inside the main building now? One of several ways to do so.


And we're in! Gah, PK arena. The inside is non-PK except where it obviously isn't. ;-)


I was gonna take another swim here, but I'm getting the odd feeling someone peed in this.


Sitting down for class. Hello? Teacher? Anyone? I may have shown up for school on a Saturday.


I'll go eat instead.


Potions and harvests abound.


Okay, if noone else is around to teach, then I will do it. Crap, no students either.


Some places have wet t-shirt contests. This... has wet PK.


I guess this is my official "King of the Map" image as well, since there's no real throne..


Suddenly feeling very sleepy. Good night.


Levitating school? I guess they teach that here, since I'm floating over this area. (It's not a guild map without bugs, hehe.)


This is... just another odd external place. No explanations are given for a lot of what's seen on this map.


If you can reach this place, you can pretty much find any place on the map. A secret area, and yes, it's PK.


And finally, speaking of PK areas, one of the external houses is PK as well, if you figure out how to enter it. And nope, it doesn't tell you it's PK either.


Gah, that is all. 33 images for what is a small map compared to others, may have overdone it on this one. Ah, well. ;-)

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Exploring Guild Maps XIII - Seridia-Irilion Trade Union

Notice: This is just a look at some of the guild maps that have been made for Eternal Lands. This blog provides no secrets.
The entrances to these maps and any secrets to get around them will never be posted, nor will I provide them so don't ask.

View all Guild Map exploration via the Guildmaps tag.
SiTu, Seridia-Irilion Trade Union, "still exists", but on life support. As of this post in-game info claims 16 members, but only 7 names known to mercator and none are very active if active at all.

Guard Bot: No.

PK: No. Entrance area is PK, and several PK arenas as well as some unmarked PK areas, but majority of map is not PK.

The SiTu map is pretty decent. A few secrets for getting around it but nothing extreme there. The map generally looks nice and decently-done, with only a couple bugs, none of which will trap you like some on other maps.

Let's start the exploring.

We start off at a ship, like so many maps do. The full area outside the wall is PK. As well, there's no magic for a large part of the area as well. This is most likely as a means of a trap where a guard bot would be, though if there was a guard bot it no longer exists.


The main entrance to the map, and your way out of the PK zone...


But before we go in there, are you hungry? Grab some fruit by the fire. Still PK here btw.


ZOMG, a prison! Well, worst prison ever, since you can just walk out. Guard forgot to shut the cell.


The house of Dana. Probably the most active of the players with their own homes, though no longer in SiTu.


Just a sec, I has the hungers. *eats lunch* I'll have to claim "King of the Map" here as well, as there's no real throne to claim it.


The majority of the map is outdoors, with only a handful of indoor locations. So, here's the first of many outside general views.


And now for three more "homes". First up is Bomwan, who apparently quit playing so long ago that mercator doesn't even recognize the name.


Next is Fyrefox, who as of this post logged in last a couple months ago, but is no longer in SiTu.


And then there's the home of the_grud, another still-active player, though also no longer in SiTu.


Another outside view...


Always beware of distinct areas such as where I stand below... this is a small PK arena.


An outdoor shot from up high. As you can see there are cave paths (no actual caves, just paths to other locations), and here you see the largest of the PK arenas.


Let's get a closer look at that arena. This feels incomplete, as you cannot go up the stairs or on the sides. The thrones are also inaccessible.


Another outdoor view.


Kinda representative of the current guild state... here lies SiTu. *ebul*


Time to mine? Odd mining in that it's not in a cave, but outdoors. But has a nice look to it.


The mine area includes this section. Despite the hot look, there's no heat damage. And yes, that black area on the right is a PK arena.


And then we move on to Willowvine Forest. Well, not quite, but this area has suspended tree bridges.


However, this is probably the buggiest part of the map. Attempting to walk on the bridges is an exercise in "why the fuck are these here" sprinkled with some serious height-mapping issues. Even the teleporter pad can't figure out where it should be height-wise.


Nobody wants to play with me? Heh. Guess what? Yup, the volleyball area is a PK arena.


And nearby, lots of buildings, though none are enterable.


The other noticeable bug. Climb a ladder, end up underground where you should be on a rock cliff. And btw, the "top", er, underground on climbing the ladder is also a PK area.


Before we continue, let's take a moment to pay tribute to the gods. (If you get here, that'll make more sense.)


Okay, let's head on into the few enterable places left. First up, we have the SiTu guild house. And first of the obligatory guild names showing on the map.


Wait, this is not indoors. A hidden away island. And of course, it's fully PK.


Let's go back inside. This is apparently a mansion.


And if you didn't get enough PK from all the other areas, here's another PK arena.


We're almost done! Here we have a hallway...


...Which leads to the final room, the home of Agrilles, the guildmaster. Who according to mercator has not logged in for over two months as of this posting, but that could just be a summer break.

That's all, folks!